Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So Far in Twenty-Fourteen

 I still think "20" anything sounds strange since I was technically born in another CENTURY!!!  I grew up in a house about 100 yards from a cemetery so I would often walk the solemn paths beneath old oaks and pines.  I remember thinking as I walked by stones with dates marked born 18xx that those people must have been ancient!  Even now, the 1900's seem so long ago to the 20 somethings.  And....the pronunciation of 2014 as "twenty-fourteen" reminds me of a child learning to count and getting the numbers out of order!

  Madison got a new vehicle.  I left off the 2013 blog catch up post with the news that she crashed her Honda Civic.  Of course, she is now at a much different time in her life than when she bought the sporty 2-door civic, so she opted to replace it with a Honda CRV.

  The winter weather has been unseasonably cold and snowy.  Just what those of us who suffer from winter blah need!  We had several snows in January.  The kids only went to school 8 total school days in January!  We have had snow covering the ground for the first 17 days in February.  Will Spring ever come?

  To relieve cabin fever and feed my need for adventure, we recently made a visit to an old-fashioned soda fountain for lunch.  I had read about the place in Kentucky Monthly and it sparked my interest as it is located in Wilmore, a whole 5 minutes from our house!  Just like Duncan Drugs from my childhood, the soda fountain was located inside a pharmacy built in the 1940's.  Many of the antiques inside were original.  Lunch was average.  The girls and Randy had cheeseburgers and fries.  I had chicken salad.  The big winner at the table was Randy's chocolate malt.  Randy worked at a similar establishment in McMinnville, TN when he was in high school.  I have heard countless times about how good the chocolate malts were at that drug store.   He has tried countless times to find a malt that matches the ones of his youth but nothing ever measured up....until now. 

To our family and friends...may the sun shine steadily on all of us very soon and may our paths be decorated with blossoms!  Oh how I long for warmer days and color in my world.

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